Top 10 Home Remedies to Control Hair Fall and Dandruff in Winters

Dandruff and increased hair fall are some common problems that come as an unwanted gift in winters. One of the major hair problems during winters is hair fall caused by the use of warm water for hair wash. As we cannot dare to wash hair with cold water in chilling winters, we can only look for the options to minimize the damage caused by the hot water.

It seriously breaks my heart when I see a bunch of hair in my cap and that dandruff on my shoulders. Though the market is full of different oils for hair fall, I prefer home remedies as these make the least risky techniques to add some life to hair in winters. Here is the list of top 10 home remedies, which I think work the best for hair fall problem.

Symptoms of hair fall:

This is not important that you start using home remedies for hair fall only when the problem starts. There are signals with the help of which you can get an idea of the upcoming problem and can start using preventive methods. Given below are some of the hair fall symptoms:

  • Thinning of hair from the roots
  • Swelling in scalp
  • Patches of baldness
  • Sudden loosening of hair

If you notice any of these symptoms, immediately start using any of the given home remedies to get back your beautiful hair.

  1. Egg white for hair loss

Repository of proteins, minerals and B-complex vitamins in egg white provide essential nutrients to hair. This not only curbs hair loss but also gives rise to new hair growth.

How to use:

  • Mix one or two egg whites with olive oil and make a smooth mixture
  • Apply the mixture on hair and leave for 20-25 minutes
  • Wash and condition hair with good quality shampoo and conditioner

Note: Just make sure you don’t use hot water to wash the egg white mask as it will make it difficult to remove the egg and smell.

  1. Coconut milk for hair loss

Coconut oil might be a risky option in winters as it thickens in winters. But yes, you can use coconut milk to get healthy and voluminous hair. It has enough protein and essentials fats to promote hair growth with a prevention of hair loss.

How to use?

  • Grate a coconut and keep it on gas on sim for five minutes
  • Strain and cool it
  • Add one tablespoon of crushed black pepper and fenugreek seeds in the milk
  • Apply it on your scalp and leave for 20 minutes
  • Wash with the shampoo
  1. Amla for hair loss

Rich in vitamin C, Indian gooseberry or Amla is one of the best things for healthy hair. You can either eat it directly or can use it as a hair care product to strengthen the hair follicles. Along with this, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties in Amla also prevent premature greying.

How to use?

  • Mixamla powder with lime juice to make a hair pack
  • Massage it on your scalp and hair
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap to prevent the paste from drying
  • Wash your hair with normal water after an hour to see the results
  1. Curry leaves for hair loss

Curry leaves not just adds taste to our food but also adds life to our hair. This storehouse of nutrients like iron, vitamins, nicotinic acid and proteins strengthen hair from the roots and help you control hair loss. Further, it also helps you get rid of dandruff by removing built up of dead skin, dirt and grime from the scalp.

How to use?

  • Make paste of a bunch of curry leaves
  • Add one tablespoon of coconut oil in the paste and apply it on hair and roots
  • Leave it for 30 minutes and wash with normal water

Note: You can also boil curry leaves in water and use that water to wash your hair.

  1. Aloe Vera for hair loss

Packed with proteolytic enzymes, Aloe Vera repairs dead skin cells on the scalp and prevents hair loss. It stimulates hair growth and helps you get voluminous hair. Not just this, it also reduces dandruff in winters controlling itching on the scalp.

How to use?

  • Make a smooth paste of 2 tablespoons Aloe Vera gel
  • Massage the gel into your scalp for 5-7 minutes
  • Leave it for 15-20 and wash with warm water

Note: You can also drink Aloe Vera juice to get shiny and smooth hair along with radiant skin.

  1. Methi or Fenugreek for hair loss

Rich in folic acid, Vitamin A, K and C, and nicotinic acid, fenugreek seeds reduce hair loss and treat other scalp issues. Methi makes one of the best hair control remedies in winters.

How to use?

  • Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water
  • Leave it overnight and make a paste in the morning
  • Apply the paste of hair roots and leave for 20 minutes
  • Wash off the paste with a mild shampoo

Note: You can also use fenugreek seeds paste for hair loss in summers by mixing fenugreek seeds paste with yogurt.

  1. Neem for hair loss

Neem is a free home remedy for hair loss. Rich in medicinal properties, neem has anti-microbial and blood purifying ability that quickly cure hair loss problem. It helps you get healthy scalp which is the basic requirement to control hair loss and dandruff problems.

How to use?

  • Heat the neem oil and massage on your scalp for 5-10 minutes
  • Wash off the oil with lukewarm water


  • Take a bunch of neem leaves and boil them until the color changes
  • Let the water cool down and wash your hair with this water
  1. Green tea for hair loss

We all know green tea purifies blood and helps in weight loss. But do you know, it also helps you prevent hair loss? Yes, full of antioxidants and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), green tea boosts hair growth and prevents hair loss.

How to use?

  • Soak 2-3 teabags in two cups of hot water
  • Let it cool and rinse your hair with this water
  • Wash off hair with normal water after an hour
  1. Hibiscus for hair loss

This beautiful flower that adds beauty to its surroundings also has properties to add health to your hair. Both the flower and its leaves have hair growth promoting properties.

How to use?

  • Make a paste to 1-2 hibiscus flowers and 5-6 leaves
  • Mix coconut oil to this paste to make a hair mask
  • Apply this mask on hair and leave for 30-60 minutes
  • Wash it off with a mild shampoo and conditioner


  1. Beetroot for hair loss

Thankfully with so many skin and hair problems, winters also give us gift of beetroots. Full of properties like vitamins C and B6, folate, manganese, betaine and potassium, beetroot provides everything required for healthy hair growth and clean scalp.

How to use?

  • Boil 7-8 beetroot leaves and grind with henna leaves to make a paste
  • Apply this mask on your hair and leave for 15-20 minutes
  • Wash your hair with warm water to see the magical results

Other hair care tips for winters:

  • Avoid using hair dryers as these make hair more dry
  • Wrap your hair before leaving home as cold air can make your hair brittle
  • Ensure regular oiling before shampoo to lock moisture in your hair
  • Keep hair tied up to prevent hair breakage and hair fall
  • Use good quality shampoo and conditioner for winters

If the problem still exists, you should consult a dermatologist for the right treatment. They might suggest you some effective oil for hair loss that has some medicinal properties to treat the problem. Further, you should also be careful with your diet and increase the intake of food items with vitamin H, D and E.