First look of upcoming Punjabi film Arjan was revealed today. Starring Roshan Prince and Prachi Tehlan in lead roles, the movie will be shot in Chandigarh and Malaysia. This romantic drama film is Prachi Tehlan’s debut movie. Before this, she was seen in a highly popular daily soap on Star Plus ‘Diya Aur Baati Hum’.
Though the first poster of the movie was launched without much fanfare, it got due attention. Designed by Thirsty Fish, the poster is full of colors and gives a lot of positive vibes. Second poster of the movie features Prachi Tehlan where the actress is looking great.
When the actor Roshan Prince was asked about his role in the movie, he said, “Arjan in Punjabi means focus and he is playing character of a person who loves his family a lot and is highly focused on ensuring happiness for them.”
Prachi Tehlan is playing character of Nimmy, who is a cunning girl and can do anything to get her things done. She comes to Punjab from abroad with a mission and takes help of her friend to complete her mission.
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Directed by Manduip Singh, the movie also features Hobby Dhaliwal, Nirmal Rishi, B. N. Sharma and Shivender Mahal in important roles.
The movie has been scheduled to release worldwide on 31 March, 2017. Have a look at the posters featuring Roshan Prince and Prachi Tehlan.